Nabiax is a company strongly committed towards gender equality, always betting on a diverse team. In the last 12 months, we have hired 9 women, specially in the Technology area, directly linked to the management and operation of our Data Centers.
Within the International Women’s Day, we have talked with them, so they can share their view as women in the Engineering world.
More women in STEM
Traditionally, careers related to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics have been mostly taken by men. However, in the last few years, these studies have evolved and have more female presence.
In this case, Patricia Casanova, Engineer in our Julián Camarillo Data Center, points that “there is still a long way to go, but society has clearly advanced”. Her colleague, Ana Vázquez, also an Engineer, tells us how she felt a growing female participation during her university years.
About this, Gabriela Morera, Engineer in the Alcalá de Henares Data Center, highlights the need of female role models in the industry, which encourage the new generations of women to take these studies: “It is fundamental that this is encouraged since school, so women are supported to study this type of careers”.
Small steps will make the difference
In Nabiax we are concerned about the necessity of equality in opportunity regardless of gender, and therefore the hiring of women is fostered. Eva Mora, Chief People & Culture Officer, says that “our bet is to emphasize the hiring of junior women, in a way in which we can ease their way into the sector professionally in a traditionally male ambit, and that they can develop their professional careers with us”.
In this regard, Patricia Casanova points out that she likes to see “how companies think about these issues and create proactive policies. They are taking the necessary steps which will make the difference in the future”. Gabriela Morera says that she can perceive how enterprises are implementing initiatives and programs fully focused on equality.
Furthermore, Sara Medina, Engineer at Alcalá De Henares Data Center, stated that “these actions are precisely the ones that are allowing that more girls can find the motivation to study these fields and develop their professional careers in them”. As such, Verónica Rosales, Engineer at our Chilean Data Centers, highlights that “even if there is still a path to walk, the women’s work is being more renowned inside the Technology areas, and this will be inspirational for the coming generations”.
Towards their future, all these Engineers agree at one point: to be able to develop their jobs, facing new challenges and showing their skills without ever being questioned because of their gender.
Committment and tangible actions
In this sense, Eva Mora highlighted the relevance of having a diverse team from several points of view: gender, age, and nationality; given Nabiax’s global vocation. In a matter of gender, “one of our most relevant commitments is that at least 50% of new hirings are female”.
According to the executive “this implies difficulties, as we are looking for very particular profiles: recently egressed Engineers that want to develop in the long term with us. Despite of it, we are very proud of our progress, as we have achieved a configuration of our team that is more diverse and balanced”.